Stop Costly Heating Repairs- By: Susan Portsmouth

Description : Nearly every family home has a Central Heating System nowadays and it is vital to make sure it's running in top working order. In the winter time, the heat pump takes heat from outside and sends it indoors. Most heat pumps use electricity, along with the condenser and compressor. Whether it is an older system or a innovative new one, it needs to be checked at the very least every year in the spring or fall preferably, in order that it runs efficiently and is cost effective.

Of course, it must only be checked by a certified Gas Safe technician. Thoroughly servicing your furnace, thermostats, filtration and heat pumps will help to avoid fire hazards and can save time, money and prevent risking your loved one's health. Regularly have your system inspected to prevent these disasters from happening. One of the major expenses for a home owner is heating. Replacing older equipment is important in reducing energy costs, decreasing your bills by at least 30%.

Lots of people never even think about their central heating system until it does not come on. It can be a simple problem to solve, something like the pilot light going out; making a wierd noise, doesn't heat up or just smells odd. It could be something as trivial as a loose wire to cause it to close down, leaving your family cold and uncomfortable. It is definately never a good idea to wait for problems to occur. If your system stops working at night time and the temperature is freezing outside it will not only be much more expensive to have someone come out to repair it. It is better and easier to get your central heating system inspected in warmer seasons.

If you ever happen to smell gas inside your home, open all of the doors and windows to let in fresh air. Never try to diagnose the problem or fix it yourself. Immediately call a professional and leave your home. It is very dangerous to try to do so, and you might harm your system. Proper maintenance of your central heating system by a professional check can give you and your family members peace of mind all through the year.

How To Unblock A Drain:
Blocked drains can become a significant problem if left untreated because the matter blocking the drain accumulates over time. Aside from the flooding problems it may create, it is the nasty smell a blocked drainage system emits that makes it unbearable, not to mention the potential to cause considerable structural damage in your home. It is a fantastic thing that there are tested remedies to this kind of situations.

DIY Remedies:
The first thing you can do is to boil a large quantity of water and pour it down the clogged drain. The boiling water may loosen-up and remove the obstruction as grease is the usual culprit, and hot water is thought to dislodge these substances. Use a plunger if the blockage remains there, it may will need a bit of pushing for it to be removed.

Subsequently, pour caustic soda down your drain but be very careful in handling this chemical as it is extremely corrosive and dangerous. Caustic soda is often known as soda crystals or sodium hydroxide in chemistry and it is very hazardous to health. It is recommended to wear protective clothing like goggles and gloves when handling this type of chemical for your safety. A rigid wire may be of great help for stubborn and hard to remove blockage. Other drain cleaning chemicals may also be tried if boiling water and caustic soda failed this task.

Article Source :

Author Resource : I have spent a lot of my time working for a company called Gas Heating Repair London and I have seen some pretty sites and some not so pretty sites. Over the years I have realised that there is a lot can be done to avoid calling a plumber or gas engineer out.